What can we say about The Other One that hasn’t already been said. This may be the most frequently selected song on Dead For A Year to date.
To be honest I’m a bit surprised that this is the case as I’m an unapologetic “Jerry guy”. I will say that The Other One has a number of things going for it that make it a consistently interesting pick. First, it was a mainstay of the repertoire for most of the band’s career. It saw so many iterations of musicians and equipment over the years that there is always something new to be discovered. Second, and related, it’s very open ended. This means that when someone got some new gear or the band got turned on to MIDI, for example, The Other One provided an ideal testing ground for those new sounds and textures.
The tracking of this selection speaks to that point a bit. This a 16+ minute track, but only half of that is really recognizable as The Other One. The first half is essentially “space”, or “stuff” in Bobby’s current nomenclature. Abutting the free-for-all of space with the adaptability of The Other One yields interesting results, as was often the case. This is simply an all-in-one example of that.
Complete Setlist 5/10/78
Previous The Other One DFAY Selections
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