Day 56: Hey Pocky Way, 10/3/87

One of the greatest assets to younger Dead fans, i.e. those who never saw the band live, which includes me, is that there are a few video releases that enable us to get an idea for what a Dead show was like. Now I know that a video doesn’t convey the entire experience, but I’ve never been one into “the scene” so to speak. I’ve little interest in hanging out in the parking lot and things of that nature. I just want the music. In that regard these videos are great.

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Unfortunately, there is very little video of the band in the 1970s and even less with Pigpen. Most of what has been released to this point is from the 1987-1991 period when the Dead were playing big sheds and needed video reinforcement so everyone in the venue could see what was going on. I’m a big fan of the Brent era, so this is fine with me. It’s too bad there’s no B-roll of some of these things as the “psychedelic” graphics displayed over some of the videos during the sets don’t hold up well, but I guess that happens. Not many people would buy an iso camera video of Jerry’s, or Bobby’s, or Phil’s hands during a show (although I wouldn’t mind!). A box set of almost all the Dead’s video releases came out a year or so ago. I picked up a copy because it was a nice chance to get all of the formerly out of print stuff in one fell swoop, as well as some other goodies. I ended up with duplicates of Closing of Winterland, and The Grateful Dead Movie, but I’m ok with that as I had the original release of the former, and the blu-ray release of the latter.

I’m a bit ashamed to say that when I first heard Hey Pocky Way I didn’t know it was a cover. I hadn’t heard of The Meters at that point. However, I really liked the song. I think the first one I heard was on the So Many Roads boxset. This version was a bonus on View From The Vault 3, and I’m glad it was included. I’m such a sucker for a good Hammond B3 and Brent could command one of those beasts like an expert snake charmer. This is always a good tune to get you on your feet and boogieing, and as such I think it’s a good lead-in to the weekend.

This is a set opener so you can hear the band getting everything ready. Brent yells “one” to start the count off and that blast of B3 signals the opening chords of Hey Pocky Way. There’s a lot of energy from everyone here. Background vocals are strong on the choruses and Brent really shines in the verses.

The first instrumental break is all Brent on B3. He just lets it rip. After he’s had his fill he cedes the floor to Jerry who does the song justice in his own right. Brent adds a lot of nice sustain behind the big man, and Phil moves along nicely as well. I think Phil’s playing in the verse sounds a bit sterile, but that is a common criticism from me when Phil plays songs that need some funk.

A final set of choruses with everyone blending together nicely, and the song ends on those three big hits. Boom!

Complete Setlist 10/3/87

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One comment to “Day 56: Hey Pocky Way, 10/3/87”
  1. After the superb main feature of this release, my expectations are low for these bonus songs. Brent counts off this New Orleans standard and leads it with some organ lines that are not exactly overflowing with the kind of deep soul required. Then his vocal underscores that we are not in the Big Easy, we are much nearer to the City of Angels, if you want to call it that. Don’t let me kill your buzz, there is big energy here. When we get to an instrumental break things settle down groove-wise as the band leads that aspect and Mydland adds topping. He melts back and Garcia plays a guitar segment that rocks pretty well. Brent wraps it up with too many repeats of the chorus, then the big ending caps it.

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