Day 57: One More Saturday Night, 12/28/79

I was a bit critical in my post yesterday about Phil’s playing on Hey Pocky Way so consider this a make-up call, to borrow a sports reference. Actually, I think Phil’s playing here on One More Saturday Night is what his playing on songs like Shakedown or Pocky Way should be like. Of course, that’s easy for me to say, and just one man’s opinion, but there it is.

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Hopefully it’s not too cliche to opt for OMSN on a Saturday, but the band did enough themselves that I’m ok with it. When I sit back and think about it this is probably one of my favorite Weir tunes, but for some reason it’s not one that I think of too frequently. I’m always pleased when it comes on though. I played this in a Dead cover band when I lived in Chicago, too, and that may have something to do with my appreciation for the song; it’s a lot of fun to play!

This whole show is a barn burner and there are choice cuts throughout this release. Tales From The Golden Road even dedicated most of an entire program to this show at the end of December 2013.

Phil plays some nice chords for the intro here, the drummers hit their hi-hats at a furious pace, and Brent comes in with some nice organ just before Bobby starts singing. They’re letting this one breathe a lot. For the verse there is a lot of space. Sometimes it’s the notes you don’t play.

Of course, once they get to the “One more Saturday night” part there are fewer holes left empty, but there’s still a bit of breathing room. Enter the first solo and Phil is just on fire! He’s all over the place laying down sweet bass runs. He’s laying the type of funk here I’d like to hear him play on some other songs that actually call for funk.

Brent and Phil take a step back in the next verse and it’s mainly just Jerry and the drummers. Everyone gets back into the act and the song continues to build. Pay special attention to Phil he drops some big bombs! A big crescendo and a nice drawn out ending to end both the song and the show. What a romp!

Complete Setlist 12/28/79

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